24-25 SEAC Members
Sandra Stewart, Parent, ReNEW Laurel Elementary
John Stewart, Parent, ReNEW Laurel Elementary
Tanya Thomas, Parent, ReNEW Schaumburg Elementary
Keanta Carter, Parent, ReNEW Schaumburg Elementary
LaShaun Honore, Parent, ReNEW Dolores T. Aaron
Tiffany Valentine, Parent, ReNEW Dolores T. Aaron
Shi Murphy, Parent, ReNEW Early Childhood Program
Desiree Stevenson, ReNEW Early Childhood Program
Eddie Saylor, Teacher
Karlette Jones, Special Education Stakeholder
Stacy Marino, Special Education Stakeholder
If you are interested in serving on the ReNEW Schools SEAC, CLICK HERE to complete the application. Applicants may include: parents of students with exceptionalities, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and special education stakeholders. New members are notified at the start of each school term, unless a vacancy is to be filled.
All ReNEW families, stakeholders, and community members are invited to participate in ReNEW Schools SEAC meetings. SEAC meetings are virtual. Meeting information is as follows.
2024-2025 SEAC Meetings
- September 25, 2024 5:30-6:30PM
- November 20, 2024 5:30-6:30PM
- January 29, 2025 5:30-6:30PM
- March 26, 2024 5:30-6:30PM
- April 23, 2025 5:30-6:30PM
Zoom Meeting Information for SEAC Meetings
Meeting ID: 873 2653 4374
Passcode: 2nhcc4
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
SEAC Annual Report
2023-2024 Annual ReportWhat is the role of the SEAC?
What are membership requirements for the SEAC?
- Fifty percent (50%) of the membership shall be parents (who are not employees of ReNEW Schools) or legal guardians of students with an exceptionality, other than gifted and talented, who are enrolled in a school under the jurisdiction of or who are receiving special education services from the public school governing authority.
- At least one (1) member shall be a teacher, principal, or paraprofessional who serves students with exceptionalities and who work with ReNEW Schools .
- Ten percent (10%) of the membership shall be special education stakeholders.
- The council shall be composed of at least eight (8) members.
How often does the SEAC meet?
If you have any questions concerning ReNEW Schools SEAC, please contact the Chief of Student Support Services.
ReNEW Schools
Dr. Mary Cole-Bush, Chief of Student Support Services
Phone: 504-323-4534
Email: mcole-bush@renewschools.org
Fax: 877-825-6007